* Top * *Top Fabric * :Heavy Faux Georgette With Heavy Embroidery Sequence Work With Real Mirror Handwork with pom pom Less Border With Full Sleeve And Latkan Dori *Top Inner * :Heavy Micro Cotton *Top Length * : 38-39 Inch *Top Size*. : *M(38),L(40),XL(42),XXL(44)* *(FULLY STITCHED READY TO WEAR)*
* Plazo * *Plazzo Fabrics* :Heavy Faux Georgette With Heavy Embroidery Sequence Work with Pom-Pom Work *Plazzo inner* :Heavy Micro Cotton *(Full stitched)*
*Plazzo Length*:40-41 Inch *(fully stitched)*
* Dupatta* *Dupatta Fabric * :Heavy Faux Georgette With Heavy Embroidery Sequence Work With Four Side Less Border